Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bass & Disclosure

Disclosure’s debut album “Settle” officially comes out June 3rd though at this point we’ve heard most of it. “F For You” is the newly released song off the highly anticipated album. This new track as well as PALMFooD & Stamusic’s Remix of Tristan Prettyman’s “My Oh My” will curb your bass music cravings until the album is released on Monday.

F For You- Disclosure

My Oh My (PALMFooD & Stamusic. Remix)- Tristan Prettyman

Friday, May 10, 2013


The past is a frightening thing if you choose to dwell on it for too long. Frightening, but not bad. We rehash pieces of our past that hurt though we find a guilty pleasure in remembering. The same moments we rewind over and over yet we cannot seem to understand. The amazing thing about reflection is that it stimulates growth. Taking time to “think back” may be the key to moving forward. The NIN cover by Superhumanoids brings me that moment of reflection we all so desperately need now and then.

March Of The Pigs (NIN Cover)- Superhumanoids